US Grassland & Ranchland management
We are working with a US landowner to optimize the climate capabilities of their land portfolio. Through virtual fencing and new irrigation infrastructure we are increasing the carbon sequestration capabilities of the land base.

Ejido Community Led Forestry Management Projects
With the experience of working on over 10 projects in Mexico, our team is developing a portfolio of Ejido community impacted forestry projects. Projects that will improve the health of forests, protect the biodiversity of the Yucatan Peninsula, and provide economic resources for Ejido communities across Mexico.

Argentina Natural Forest Protection
The protection of over 20,000 hectares of natural forests in Argentina from agricultural mono crop deforestation threats.

First Nations led land protection across Canada
Canadian forestry management working with First Nations traditional land practices to curb the spread of wild fires. Our team is developing a First Nations lead pan Canadian program to help Canada protection 30% of it’s lands and waters by 2030.

Yucatan Peninsula Mangrove Restoration
The Yucatan Peninsula contains some of the most carbon rich mangroves in the western hemisphere. We are working with an Ejido community who is looking to protect, reforest, and restore over 30,000 hectares of Mexican coastline.